Saturday, June 18, 2011

They're Coming To Take Me Away Ha Ha!

We haven't posted in a while, and this time we have an excuse! We've been preparing for a hell of a party, and we're just about ready, so some folks came over to hang out, chat, help with last-minute helpouts and all that good stuff, and no shit, there we were, talking about how to get from Sacramento to the Bay Area, and someone referred to Highway 80 as being a retard zone and... Bang! Band Name!

The Retard Zone! This could be a hell of a punk or rock band, sort of classic, 90's style rock and roll, big guitars, bowling shirts, the whole nine yards.

And then, the bonus imported directly from Sacramento:

Holy Names, featuring John The Baptist on keyboard, St. Peter on drums, Adam and Even on lead and rhythm guitars, Jesus Christ on vocals, and Mather, Mark, Luke and John singing backup.

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