Friday, February 18, 2011

Please Allow Me To Introduce...

Whooooo, we're screaming into a 3 day weekend here in the South Bay, and to celebrate the gang cooked up a band name for you!

See, with the Warped House being gradually dispersed across the nation, only to meet again a few times a year under a spreading tree in the dark of night to do battle with a wicket and monstrous bar armed with many bottles of alcohol, we've resorted to convening ad hoc committees to come up with actionable event time lines for implementation to target key success indicators for upcoming deadlines. In other words, we're polling co-workers.

Anyhow, since at least one of us works in the sort of office where the Friday Afternoon Nerf Battle is on the official company calendar, it can get interesting. That makes today's Band Name Of The Day:

Tickle Me Elmo (Overdrive!) We envision this as a britpunk band of the dirtiest sort. Their biggest hit is "Rubber Baby Bugger Bumper," a disgusting power ballade about... well, you don't want to know what it's about, let's just say they're not allowed back in Sweden ever again.

Have a great weekend, and we'll have more band names for you tomorrow!

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