Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Hooker? I Don't Even Know Her!

Oh, do we have bad news for you today! The entire house is back in town, for the first time since the holidays began. And then we went to a bar. Scared yet? You should be. We came up with band names.

In the bar.

With the bartender.

Jim, besides being a great bartender, has a wicked sense of humor, and he gave us the first Band Name Of The Day, which is:

Tigerbalm Handjob. We feel this sounds a lot like a strange collision between Tiger Army and Haujob, but, just... no. Just no. We're thinking this would be good for a crotchpunk band. We'll let you imagine what they sound like.

Anyhow, not satisfied with having twisted our minds, dear, sweet, innocent Jim took it a step further with:

Alligator Snapping Turtle Blowjob. I think he was talking about some horrible blog, or maybe he just enjoyed the sight of four hardened veterans of the bar scene cringing and crossing their legs, but we didn't care to ask. We have no idea what sort of demented band would use this as their band name, but we're masochistic enough to want to know, so if you come up with something, leave us a comment.

And finally, because the conversation had nowhere to go but up, the last Band Name Of The Bar we came up with is:

Powermetal Breasts. Obviously, this would be a powermetal band, but the gang's divided over whether this would be a band composed entirely of attractive women or slavering teenage boys.

1 comment:

  1. Nah. PowerMetal Breasts is a group of opera divas trying to get performing jobs doing cover songs in night clubs. The leather trimmed brass corsets and horned helmets are just sad carry-overs from brighter days gone by... (*Grin*)
